It seems that the degree of cruelty to animals knows no boundaries with vicious people thinking up such horrific ways in which to torture these innocent and helpless creatures.
In a totally bizarre form of animal cruelty, reported by the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (PSPCA), somebody, who in my opinion exhibited one of the more shocking and alarming demonstrations of sadistic behavior to an innocent feline, wrapped the entire cat from head-to-toe in sticky duct tape, abandoning it to fend for itself.
Thankfully, a local woman noticed a "strange" feline by her fence, and when investigating it, she saw that this frightened and tortured kitty was wrapped so tightly in duct tape, that the little female kitty was not even able to walk. She called the PSPC Humane Law Enforcement officers, who came to the rescue, and took the cat to the PSPCA's animal hospital for a thorough medical examination. The terrified cat had to be sedated in order to allow the staff to slowly and methodically remove the tape, cutting it with a surgical scissors designed for removing bandages. The procedure took about an hour to complete.
PSPCA's PR associate, Liz Williamson said, "She actually looks really great for having gone through all that." And with relief added, "It did not remove a lot of fur."
The kitty, who remains in fairly good condition under the watchful care of the PSPCA, was named "Sticky" by the staff. Amazingly, after suffering such cruelty, she only required an IV infusion to relieve her mild dehydration. Also, since she was found to be healthy and not at all malnourished, it is assumed that this is a kitty that belongs to someone who may be looking for her. The staff also thought that Sticky was not wrapped in the tape for a very long period of time. There is an investigation going on at present to learn more about what actually happened.
Since there is no determination yet whether Sticky has a rightful owner, she is not available for adoption at this time. Sticky was described as a very lovely cat who gets along so well with people that she more than likely is a kitty who has been treated well and taken care of by a human companion.
A $2,000 reward is being offered by the PSPCA for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who actually so cruelly wrapped the cat in duct tape. If anyone in the area can help and has more information or even knows who "Sticky's" owner is, please immediately contact the PSCPA's cruelty hotline at
(866) 601-7722.
What was your reaction to this story? If the person who performed this horrific act of animal cruelty is located, charged and convicted, what do you think the punishment should be? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.
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